Newion in 2022
Investment Activities 2022
What a year! It has been four busy quarters for us, with many investments, tremendous growth in the portfolio companies, and a nice exit. We restarted with some “in-person” events again, with a session about Monetization and Pricing strategies led by Simon-Kucher, and our event about International Growth. Our portfolio expanded further with Dutch, Swedish, and German companies, and Newion IV hit the ground running with 4 new investments in 6 months. We welcomed our new analyst Denisa Koci and waved goodbye to Jingyi Wang – who headed to the VC firm Airbridge -, and Jan Boelen who headed to the Newion Portfolio company Legionella Dossier. Jingyi and Jan will remain within the Newion family. As the Newion Team is growing, we moved to a new office. We remain still in Amsterdam of course. It is a great foundation for the coming 5 years or longer. With a larger fund, a great portfolio, and a fantastic team we are looking forward to 2023.


Yourcampus Initial Inv. Press Release
Viktor Initial Inv. Press Release
Occtoo Initial Inv. Press Release