Portfolio company spotlight
Why we invested in Legionella Dossier

When I heard my colleagues talking about “Legionella Dossier” for the first time, my reaction was “What? What did you say? What do you mean?” Legionella Dossier is not a company that easily stands out from tons of pitch decks to make you fall in love at first sight. But after the second reading, I nodded my head to the partner: “it is very interesting!”.
Legionella Dossier is a software company located in the Netherlands that facilitates real estate environmental compliance inspections and workflows. Currently, Legionella Dossier focuses on water-related compliance activities in commercial real estate, mainly about bacteria in water control. Water hygiene control usually consists of 4 phases and 2 key stakeholders. Water consultants create 1. Risk assessment; 2. Management plan; and Building property or facility managers: 3. Execute the plan and 4. Monitor the facilities. All these measures require considerable time and money to implement and maintain. The industry is labor-intensive and undigitized. Often it is done on paper. Managers have to physically go on-site to ensure that preventative maintenance and measures are actually performed. The workload of quality control scales exponentially with company size. Bigger companies with more locations have compounding issues with managing Legionella prevention.
These are the pain points that Legionella Dossier solves. We believe Legionella Dossier has great potential in this undigitized market.
From a product perspective, Legionella Dossier smartly ties two propositions together for both water consultants and property/facility managers and supports the entire value chain. It creates a strong lock-in effect but also high compliance certainty. As a young startup, the platform already processes tens of thousands of tasks per day on tens of thousands of buildings. The new water compliance rules in the EU and the US in 2022 will serve as a catalyst that enforces the compelling needs of property managers to have compliance certainty instead of simply increasing work efficiency. On a high-level estimate, there are 3 million buildings in the Service Addressable Market implying an 800 million euro market size in Europe, just in water compliance.
What’s also special about Legionella Dossier is they have worked with partners to achieve an efficient go-to-market model. This is unique in an early-stage startup. They have built a solid establishment in the Dutch market and a successful entry into the UK. A significant part of this investment round will be deployed to further improve and implement the go-to-market strategy.
Throughout our engagements with the founder & CEO Gert Oussoren, we were impressed by his energy and ambition, domain expertise, and in-depth thinking about Briqsafe’s proposition and business models. We are excited to support Legionella Dossier in this seed investment round together with Volta Ventures, Concrete VC, and existing shareholders to succeed in the mission to keep buildings safe and compliant.